How I Can Help
2 min read

How I Can Help

Well, I think I got lucky and had the chutzpah to call these guys up. However, there are other people who have chutzpah to call people up too. The Google guys called me up, so I had lunch with them. And so I think it still happens a little. I don’t think it ever happened a lot, and I don’t think it happens a lot now. But I think it still happens—it happened a little, and it still happens a little. Maybe most people aren’t interested. They have their own things to worry about.

- Steve Jobs, Make Something Wonderful

The internet is a fantastic way to meet people, but it's difficult to know how and when to ask for help.

This post is my bat signal.

I will periodically update it as my work and free time changes. If there is something that I can do to help you, please feel free to reach out and I'll do my best to respond.

Last updated: June 2024

About Me

I've worked in blockchain and crypto since 2018. I'm currently a multisig signer at Bright Moments, an onchain DAO that helps generative and AI artists mint and sell work on the Ethereum blockchain. Over the past few years we've had over 15,000 ETH (~$50M) flow through our ecosystem and have opened galleries in Venice Beach, New York City, Berlin, London, Mexico City, Tokyo, Buenos Aires, Paris, and Venice, Italy. I'm experienced with Ethereum, smart contracts, website development, and product management.

In addition to my crypto experience, I've also worked at a venture-funded startup, Shortwave, as their first head of growth. I helped them grow beyond their first DAU and came up with various product and marketing campaigns to gain users, as well as personally conducted hundreds of user feedback sessions. Prior to that, I worked at a Fortune 30 health insurance company in the U.S. within their innovation department, where I stood up an internal training program for machine learning and led the business development of a consortium of health care payers that was spun out into a startup. I've also worked at Deloitte and have an undegraduate degree in Bioengineering.

Technical Competencies

I'm a power user of Ethereum. My primary wallet has a nonce count of ~2,500. I can write Solidity and was the primary developer of the Base Colors contract.

I'm also very comfortable with data analysis and have experience using Python, Excel, and SQL to massage datasets and build pipelines for various end users.

I design products and am comfortable building for mobile, web, and responsive applications. Figma is my preferred design tool, but I also like using a whiteboard or pencil and paper to get early sketches on paper.

How I Can Help

Some ways I've recently helped others:

  • Troubleshooting code, especially relating to onchain generative art projects that use p5.js and Ethereum smart contracts.
  • Acted as an advisor and Solidity developer on Base Colors, which uses hex colors as the basis for a fully onchain NFT collection.
  • Giving advice to an independent artists on how to package and market their work onchain. I summarized my advice in my recent post, Thoughts on Selling Generative Art.
  • Provided a small scholarship to students from my high-school that demonstrated exceptional curiosity in a technical field. I paid their scholarship in cryptocurrency, because I wish someone had sent me Bitcoin when I was a senior.
  • Coffee chats with founders and students who are curious about crypto, tech, or career advice in general. Hiring tips and product feedback. A friendly ear to listen to the trials and tribulations of doing something hard.

Ways to Reach Me

The best way to reach me is via email. My email address is in the About section of my website. I'm also active on Farcaster.

I respond best to specific questions, especially if I can answer in writing. I'm less likely to say yes to general requests for a phone call or an open-ended chat.